The condition of cluttered homes significantly affects your life. Cluttered living spaces inevitably affect mental stress and may even lead to conflicts within family relationships.
How does "cluttered homes" affect the homeowners?
Homes or offices with furniture placed haphazardly are signs of stagnant air. Homes that are blocked by stagnant energy are no different from dead-end homes. It is also believed that cluttered homes affect the finances of the homeowners.
Areas in the home that should not be cluttered:
The main entrance door is the point where the home receives energy. This place is the main energy gathering point. New energy will flow slowly into different rooms within the home. Therefore, the entrance and exit doors are the first points in the home that need to be kept clean and organized to prevent obstruction of energy flow. If the entrance to the home is cluttered, the airflow is inconvenient, which adversely affects the overall feng shui of the home, affecting the luck and health of the family. Therefore, you should always maintain cleanliness at the entrance area.
The bathroom is a place with high humidity, suitable for the growth of bacteria. According to feng shui principles, it is believed to be the point with the highest accumulation of negative energy and waste in the home. Therefore, cleaning this area not only facilitates ventilation but also reduces the risk of disease transmission and affects the overall feng shui of the home. For example, it affects luck and financial stability.
The kitchen is an important part of the home. According to feng shui principles, families that desire prosperity should have clean, bright, and organized kitchens. If the kitchen is not cleaned, it is believed that the overall luck of the homeowner gradually decreases.